Christians and Muslims in Poland (napisy)

The Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam. Jan Kra­sicki, Euge­niusz Czy­kwin, Ali Abi Issa, Igna­tios Sta­vro­po­ulos, Samir Ismail, Nedal Abu Tabaq, Horst Bür­kle, Wal­de­mar Irek, Tariq Rama­dan, Tomasz Ste­fa­niuk, Emery de Gaal, Jere­miasz Anchi­miuk. Pro­duc­tion: Fil​mowka​.tv Co-production & trans­la­tion: Mar­cin Czerniewski

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Academic Forum for Peace (napisy)

Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam. (prof. Tade­usz Luty, prof. Tariq Rama­dan, Metro­po­li­tan Kal­li­stos Ware, dr Samir Ismail, Mufti Nedal Abu Tabaq, prof. Woj­ciech Szczerba, prof. Horst Bür­kle) Pro­duc­tion: Fil​mowka​.tv Co-production & trans­la­tion: Mar­cin Czerniewski

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Tariq Ramadan Crypto-Fundamentalist? (napisy)

Tariq Rama­dan at the Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam. Pro­duc­tion: Fil​mowka​.tv Co-production & trans­la­tion: Mar­cin Czerniewski

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DEEPA KUMAR, Interview (polskie napisy)

Mar­cin Czer­niew­ski inter­wie­ved PRO­FES­SOR DEEPA KUMAR, Rut­gers Uni­ver­sity, USA. Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam. Pro­duc­tion: Fil​mowka​.tv Co-production & trans­la­tion: Mar­cin Czerniewski

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Peace: A basic issue in the Christian Dialogue with Asian Religions

PRO­FES­SOR HORST BÜR­KLE Ludwig Maxi­mi­lian Uni­ver­sity of Munich, Ger­many The Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam.

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For the Peace from Above, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware

METRO­PO­LI­TAN KAL­LI­STOS WARE Uni­ver­sity of Oxford, UK For the Peace from Above: the Under­stan­ding of Peace in the New Testa­ment and the Ortho­dox Liturgy. The Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam.

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Peace and ‘Saint Peace’… (lecture)

prof. Jan Kra­sicki, Uni­ver­sity of Wroc­law, Poland Peace and ‘Saint Peace’: Con­si­de­ra­tions on the modern Pro­ject of Peace and its Limits The Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam

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The Concept of Tolerance.… (lecture)

Dr Jozef Matula, Palacký Uni­ver­sity of Olo­mouc, Czech Repu­blic „The Con­cept of Tole­rance as a Pre­con­di­tion for the Deve­lop­ment of Peace­ful Society: Some Histo­ri­cal Reflec­tions.” The Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam.

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Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue (lecture)

Prof. Bog­dan Fer­dek, Papal Faculty of The­ology, Poland „‘Oiko­umene’ as an Instru­ment of Peace: Catholic-Orthodox Dia­lo­gue in the light of the Ravenna Docu­ment.” The Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam.

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Collective Security, Disarmament, ‘Soft’ Power, Constant Wars

Prof. Bruno Drwę­ski, Natio­nal Insti­tute for Eastern Lan­gu­ages and Civi­li­za­tions, France Col­lec­tive Secu­rity, Disar­ma­ment, ‘Soft’ Power, Con­stant Wars. The Role of Ethi­cal and Reli­gious Com­mu­ni­ties and of Social Move­ments at the Time of the Cri­sis of the Inter­na­tio­nal Law. The Aca­de­mic Forum for Peace, Poland 2011, held by Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity and Insti­tute for the Study of Islam.

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